tisdag 13 juni 2017

Cupressus arizonica

IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig. Detta träd blir upp till meter högt och diametern i brösthöjd är ofta lite större än en meter. The waxy, scale-like needles are spirally arranged and retain their frosty blue-gray color all season.

Er erreicht Wuchshöhen von bis Metern bei einem Brusthöhendurchmesser (BHD) von bis zu Zentimetern. Die eiförmig-kegelförmigen Baumkrone ist hellgrau bis dunkelgrün. En estado salvaje se encuentra en bosquetes pequeños, dispersos, no en grandes bosques.

Ha sido introducido en el resto de continentes, llegando a estar naturalizada en muchos puntos de Europa. Detalle de las hojas. La copa suele ser piriforme y el follaje -en nuestro territorio- de tonos gris-azulados. La corteza del tronco es de color marrón rojizo, muy vistosa, y de la que se desprenden tiras o placas. Las ramillas son algo más gruesas y menos densas en su conjunto que las del ciprés común.

Ca år gammal fröplanta. Gilman and Dennis G. Print uden billeder. Hjemmehørende i det sydvestlige USA og nordlige Mexico.

Se kasvaa luonnonvaraisena Yhdysvaltain lounaisosien ja Meksikon pohjoisosien vuoristoissa. Il est originaire du sud-ouest de l’Amérique du Nor où on l’observe entre autres sur les parois des canyons. Cypresser ingår i familjen cypressväxter.

La pianta sopporta molto bene clima e terreni asciutti, anche leggermente calcarei. The CABI Encyclopedia of Forest Trees. Khouaja W, Oliveira R, Raies A, Dias ACP. Industrial Crops and Products. However, when this California native tree.

Cupressus Arizonica Diseases. Neocupressus arizonica. Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: No. The leaves are scale-like, and produced on rounded shoots. Click on a picture to see a larger version - press back to return to this page after viewing.

Smooth cypress comes from SW of the USA and is probably the only true cypress that can survive winters of zone 6. As the name suggests, it has light yellow colour of new growths that turn pale yellow or light sulphur yellow in summer. At other times, this cultivar is known for being particularly silvery-blue within a highly variable species. Leur écorce lisse est de couleur pourpre à rougeâtre.

Ils possèdent de fines ramules à section ronde, couvertes de feuilles en écailles, de couleur bleu-gris.

Here you can find all of the regulations and regulatory lists in which this substance appears, according to the data available to ECHA. Common Name - Arizona cypress. It has scale-like leaves that are between two and five millimeters long. The foliage ranges in color from dull gray-green to a bright blue-green.

Ihre schuppenförmigen Blätter haben eine blau-grüne Färbung. Dieses Gehölz ist gut frostverträglich. Sie bevorzugt durchlässigen Boden in sonniger Lage. Its noble, upright, pyramidal form with compact, symmetrical branching is cloaked by handsome blue-gray foliage and accented by reddish exfoliating bark.

Moderate growth rate. Open pyramidal form. Drought tolerant once established. El rincón de mama 11views.

La specie, arizonica , indica il luogo d’origine dell’essenza in esame, le montagne dell’Arizona.

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