FEINMETALL has established a reliable solution for contacting even at the most difficult conditions. This solution is particularly suitable for contacting lead-free solders, heavily oxidized and dirty PCBs or OSP-coated boards. Möchten Sie die gewünschten Unterlagen lieber per Post erhalten?
Dann verwenden Sie unser Kontaktformular. Welcome to FEINMETALL ! Developing and manufacturing contacting solutions for the test of electrical and electronic components - this is our world and our passion. Our goal is to contribute to safety, reliability and quality for equipment and components. Spring Force (cN ±) Version Preload Nominal. Katalog _Master_Thema_5_Battery_Kurzhub_DE-EN.
Our proximity to the market and customers, as well as our many years of experience in constructing and producing spring contact probes, form a strong basis for functional, innovative and economical products. Willkommen bei FEINMETALL ! Die Entwicklung und Fertigung von Kontaktierungslösungen zum Prüfen von elektrischen und elektronischen Komponenten, das ist unsere Welt. Darin sind wir gut. Zur Sicherheit, Zuverlässigkeit und Qualität von Bauteilen beizutragen ist unser Ziel. FEINMETALL is committed to the goals of the up-to-date legislation regarding environment as well as health protection and to conformance to all necessary measures.
The current statements regarding the various European environ-ment and health regulations are available on our. AOI PEMTRON EAGLE 3D AOI Series. Nové Město nad Metují.
SMA, SMB, SMC, HSD are used. Coaxial High Current Probes are suitable for 4-wire measurements with very high currents. They are frequently used for charging and discharging of batteries and accumulator cells. FEINMETALL offers different probe series for contacting these connectors (e.g. HF6 HF1 HF66).
As an innovative company we further develop ourselves and our products continually. We accept the challenges the market and you the customer present us with, and are always a step ahead of the increasingly demanding test requirements. Mo) FINNDataSheet SQC. Feinmetall _Leiterplattentest. Ko) Smart_FINN_BRIGHT_SQC_EN.
Nur das Original garantiert höchste Zuverlässigkeit und eine optimale Verwendenung. Ko) MODULE_Megafinn_SQC_Flyer_EN. Gelenkwellen, Weitwinkel-Gelenkwellen, schutzvorrichtungen und Überlast- und Freilaufkupplungen.

Aby pokazać najbardziej trafne wyniki, pominęliśmy kilka pozycji bardzo podobnych do już wyświetlonych. Cégünk több, mint éve törekszik arra, hogy ügyfeleink igényeit teljeskörűen kielégítse. PZ strojírna Šumperk s. Vyrábíme řetězová a ozubená kola - kola čelní přímá, šikmá, šneková i kuželová. Výroba elektroniky a elektrotechniky v Hronově.
Vybrat si můžete z firem v okolí, třeba NNM Electric s. Any transaction between Ingun USA, Inc. Purchaser is subject to our terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are intended by the parties to be the final expression of their agreement with respect to the terms of their transaction.
Při testovacím procesu dochází ke stlačení pinu a vytvoření tzv. Pfeiffer, Pavel Flek,.
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